To use this calculator, you must left click on the relevant box (cell) before entering numbers or words.  If you plan to use this calculator on a regular basis, you should download the Excel or versions, because the online version does not save your data, unless you print it.  Return to the main website, at

The Balance-Sheet-Budget Calculator
This is a special type of balance sheet calculator, and it calculates your relative degree of financial stability, and a related budget, for a specific time interval, such as 365 days. I am calling this a Balance-Sheet-Budget.
Note: All the red numbers and words are calculated results.
The yellow strip records the time that you last entered or deleted data.
If no data was entered, it is the time you opened this document .
The light-yellow boxes are input boxes, will you can enter words and numbers. Delete the date in the light-yellow box, below, and enter the last day of your Balance-Sheet-Budget.  
Last day of this Balance-Sheet-Budget is: The red number below is the total anticipated or actual liabilities (expenses) for the time period of this budget.
All the red numbers and words are calculated results.
The red number below is the total anticipated or actual assets (money) for the time period of this budget. If you see a negative sign (-) next to the numbers in the following two boxes, it means you are short of funds, by the amount indicated in these boxes.
List each asset in terms of a descriptive word or phrase in this column, such as money from wages, dividends, etc. List the dollar amount of each asset (source of money), in this column. In this column, enter a descriptive word or phrase for each actual or anticipated liability (bills and other expenses) that must be paid within the timeframe of this budget. In this column, enter the dollar amount of each actual or anticipated liability (bills and other expenses) that must be paid within the timeframe of this budget.
Text only in this column. Numbers only in this column. Numbers only in this column.