Division-Calculator, Created by David Alderoty November, 2008

If you have any suggestions or comments, contact me at RunDavid@Verizon.net, or you can left click on the following: Website Communication Form.  For a list of my other websites left click on the following link: www.David100.com

Instructions:  To use this software first delete the two blue numbers (100 and 5) in the yellow boxes bellow.  To delete, left click with the mouse on a blue number (slightly to the left of the number), and then press the Delete key.  Then, enter the numbers you want to calculate.  To obtain your result, left click with the mouse on the CALCULATION button or on the tan background, or press the Tab key.  (Do not press the Enter key.)  Your calculated result is the red number.  For more information, and an Excel version of the Division-Calculator, scroll down.


Excel Version of the Division-Calculator

You can download an Excel version of the Division-Calculator, by left clicking on a blue link, bellow:

Click here for Excel version


Click here for a reusable Excel template version


With the Excel template version you can save your results, each time you do a calculation, in an Excel Worksheet, by saving with a new file name.  The Excel version works the same as the web version, except you press the enter key to obtain the calculated result.  However, to use the Excel version you must have Microsoft Excel and Windows.


More Information: Division-Calculator


This software will calculate positive and negative numbers.  The software will also calculate very large and very small numbers, but the result must have less than 308 decimal places (less than 308 zeros). Very large and very small numbers are displayed in scientific notation in the form presented in the following examples:






1e+300= the number one followed by 300 zeros


1e-300= a decimal point, followed by 299 zeros, which is followed by the number one.


Note the Excel version, uses a capital E with scientific notation


If the calculated result is too large, or if there is no result (division by zero), the software will display NaN.  The Excel version will display #VALUE! or #DIV/0!  If a calculated result is very small the software will display 0.