Budget-Rate Calculator

Created by David Alderoty, July, 2009 RunDavid@Verizon.net

This website provides a unique budget calculator that calculates, total income and expenses, balance, RATE of income and expenses, and RATE of financial gain or loss.  This calculator operates online, but it also is available in the Excel and open office.org formats, for free download.  For more information, instructions, and links to the other versions of this calculator, scroll all the way down beneath the Online Budget-Rate Calculator.    For a printer friendly version of the online Calculator, left click here.


To go to the main website on Budgets left click here.


The green strip below records the time that you last entered or deleted data.
If no data was entered, it is the time you opened this document.
Delete the date in this box, and enter the start date (first day) of budget. Delete the date in this box, and enter the end date (last day) of your budget.
Rate of Income per Day = Rate of Expenditures per Day =
Rate of Income per Week = Rate of Expenditures per Week =
Rate of Income per Month = Rate of Expenditures per Month =
Rate of Income per Year = Rate of Expenditures per Year =
In the four columns below, enter the income and expenses that you obtained
1) In this column enter a descriptive word or phrase for each source of money in your budget. 2) In this column enter the dollar amount of each source of money in your budget. 3) In this column enter a descriptive word or phrase for each expense. 4) In this column enter the dollar amount of each expense.
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The Four Versions of the Budget Rate Calculator





Downloading the Excel and Openoffice.org Versions of the Budget Rate Calculator


You can download the Excel and OpenOffice.org versions of the budget rate calculator, with the blue links on the end of this paragraph.  It can take anywhere from a few seconds, to several minutes or longer, to download, depending on your Internet connection.  


For the Excel version of the Budget-Rate Calculator left click on these words.  To use this version, you must have Microsoft Excel and Windows on your computer.


For the Budget-Rate Calculator with a database sorting function and the Excel format, left click on these words.  This requires Microsoft Excel 2003 or later, and Windows.


For the Budget-Rate Calculator in the OpenOffice.org format, left click on these words.  This requires the OpenOffice.org software package, and Microsoft Windows.


For all three versions of the above, in a single folder, left click on these words.



The Budget-Rate Calculator in the OpenOffice.org Format


If you do not have Microsoft Excel on your computer, use the budget rate Calculator in the OpenOffice.org format.  This will require Windows and OpenOffice.org software package.  This software package is very high quality, and it has most of the functionality of Microsoft Office, but it is available for free, at: www.OpenOffice.org  Left click on the above web address to download this software package.



Do You Need Instructions to Use the Budget-Rate Calculator?


The Budget Rate Calculator is fairly easy-to-use, and most people can probably learn how to use it, with a little trial and error learning.  However, to make use of all of its functionality, it may be necessary to read some or all of the following material.

       Note, the text on this website is laid out with red headings large fonts, and short paragraphs, to make it easy to find what you want, and easy to skip material that you do not want to read.



The Four Versions Are Similar, But Not Identical

The four versions of the budget rate Calculator are similar structurally and functionally.  Most of the following descriptions and instructions apply to all four versions, unless otherwise noted.  However, there are some differences as explained below.



The Online Version of the Budget Rate Calculator


The online version of the Budget Rate Calculator does not have the ability to save data.  As soon as you close the browser, the words and numbers you entered, and your calculated results will disappear.  You can partly get around this limitation by printing your data.  If you plan to print your results, you should use the printer friendly version of the online calculator. If this is not done much superfluous material might be printed.


For a printer friendly version of the online Calculator, left click here.


An alternative to printing is to take a screenshot of the online Budget- Rate Calculator, with your data and calculated results.  Instructions on how to take a screenshot of online calculators is explained on the main website www.Tech-For-Text.com/Budget

The main advantage of the online version of the Budget Rate Calculator is it is accessible from any locality with an Internet connection, and you do not need any special software.  The only requirement is a modern browser. 



The Budget-Rate Calculator in the Excel Format


The Budget Rate Calculator in the Microsoft Excel format is ideal for keeping permanent records of your budgets.  However, to use it you must have Microsoft Excel and Windows on your computer.



The Budget-Rate Calculator in the Excel Format with a Database Sorting Function


If you want to arrange the items in your budget, after you entered the data into the calculator, you should use the budget rate calculator with a database sorting function.  This calculator is similar to the above, except for the additional functionality.  It requires Microsoft Excel 2003 or later, as well as Windows.




General Description and Instructions

For The Budget-Rate Calculator.




Brief Instructions

Detailed description and related instructions for the budget-rate calculator is provided on this website.  However, some users might prefer a brief set of instructions, especially if they are highly skilled with the computer.  Thus, I am providing the following summary:


·       Before entering numbers or words into a box (cell), you must left click on it, with the mouse, and then type your numbers or words. 


·       Go to the very top of the Budget-Rate Calculator and delete the dates in the two red highlighted boxes.  Then enter the first day (start date) of your budget, in the box on the left.  Then, enter the last day of your budget, (the end date) of your budget, in the light-yellow section of the red highlighted box. 


·       Then scroll down until you see four columns.  In these columns enter your income and expenses that you incurred, or will incur, during the period defined by your start date and end date. 


·       Underlined BLUE or RED numbers, and words, are calculated results.



·       With the Excel and OpenOffice versions only, numbers that become highlighted in yellow after you enter your income and expenses, represent a shortage of funds.  With the online version, there is no highlighting, but you will see a minus sign (-) next to some of the calculated results, when there is a shortage of funds.





Utility of the Budget-Rate Calculator


This software (Budget-Rate Calculator) is designed for calculating a budget, a balance sheet, or a combination of both of the above.  The Budget-Rate Calculator has a large number of features.  If you find a feature that is irrelevant for your needs, you can simply ignore it.



The Uniqueness of the Budget Rate Calculator


The Budget-Rate Calculator performs over a dozen calculations simultaneously, including total income, expenses, and balance.  What makes this software unique is it also calculates the rate of income, rate of expenses, and rate of gain or loss.  For example, if you enter your expenses for 30 days, it will calculate your average rate of income, average rate of expenses, average rate of gain or loss, for that 30 day period. It will also make predictions of your average rate per year, even if you only entered one month of income and expenses.  This information can indicate if you are in a financially stable situation. 

If the Budget-Rate Calculator shows that you have a rate of gain you are in a good, or at the very least in a stable, financial situation.  This is assuming that your income is not reduced or terminated, and your expenses do not increase.

If the Budget-Rate Calculator shows an average rate of loss, then you have a financial problem, requiring more money and/or a reduction in expenses.



Calculated Results Are Presented in Wording and Numbers


Some of the wording on the Budget-Rate Calculator changes according to the calculations.  For example, if you have more expenses than income, you will have a rate of loss.  The wording will change to indicate this.  However, if you correct the situation, such as by an increase in wages, or reduction in expenses, the wording will change to rate of gain, as soon as the new data is entered into the calculator.

Whether there is a gain or loss, the calculator will present numbers to indicate how much you are gaining or losing, on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.  Keep in mind that these figures are averages, and they are based on the data you entered.



Start Date and End Date on the Budget-Rate Calculator


The Budget-Rate Calculator can be set for very short or very long time periods, ranging from one day to well over 100 years, by entering a start date and an end date.  The details on how to do this will be provided in the next section. 

Based on the settings you enter, the software will automatically calculate the number of days remaining in your budget.  After the budget has expired, the software will display the words: EXPIRED, THIS BUDGET HAS EXPIRED.



Evaluating Financial Stability with the Budget-Rate Calculator


When long time periods are entered into the Budget-Rate Calculator, such as six months, one year, five years, you can enter anticipated as well as current wages and expenses.  When the calculator is used in this way, it essentially calculates a balance sheet that applies to the time interval you entered.  This can be very useful when you want to determine long-term financial stability. 

An example of the utility discussed above, becomes apparent with expensive purchases such as a house.  If you want to buy a house, you can set the calculator from the start date and end date of the mortgage payments.  Then enter your income, expenses, and your anticipated income and expenses, and the Budget Rate Calculator, will provide the numbers.  This should tell you whether or not you can afford to purchase the house.  The same idea can be applied to a car or any other expensive item.

However, when doing assessments that are similar to the above, you must keep in mind that you are entering data based on predictions, and the calculated results will be no more accurate than your predictions.  For example, if you lose your job, and/or have a great increase in expenses, your long-term calculations can be meaningless. 

You can partly get around this uncertainty, by calculating several Budget Rate Calculator documents, such as with very-pessimistic, pessimistic, realistic, and optimistic estimations.  If your pessimistic calculations indicate you can meet your expenses, you probably have very good, long-term financial stability.  However, people have a tendency to make overoptimistic estimations.  This can partly be offset by a savings account, or low risk investments coupled with various types of insurance, especially health and fire insurance.



Income & Expense Cycles Must Coincide

With Time Settings in the Budget-Rate Calculator


To obtain accurate results, it is necessary to enter all the income and expenses for the time that the calculator is set for.  For example, if the calculator is set for 30 days, from 6/1/2009 to 6/30/2009, to obtain accurate results, you must enter all the income and expenses for this 30 day period.  With this example, you would not enter any income or expenses that were incurred before 6/1/2009.  In addition, you would not enter any income or expenses that you expected to receive after 6/30/2009.

       Keep in mind that the above applies to any time interval.  This means if you set the calculator for seven days (one week), you must enter all the income and expenses for the seven-day period.  If you set the calculator for 365 days (one year), you must enter all the income and expenses that are expected for one year. 

       If the above is not carried out, or improperly performed, the calculations that involve time will be inaccurate.  This includes calculations that involve rate.  For example, if you set the calculator for 15 days, and you enter your wages and expenses for a 30 day period, all the rates will be incorrectly doubled.  Another example, if you enter earnings and expenses for a 15 day period, and you have the calculator set for 30 days, all the rates will be incorrectly calculated at one half of the true value.

However, the income, expenses, and related balance will be calculated accurately, no matter what time interval you enter into the calculator.  These calculations involve adding and subtracting, and time is not involved.






Step 1) How to Enter Numbers and Words

Into the Budget-Rate Calculator


To enter numbers into this calculator, you must first position the cruiser into the cell that you want to put the numbers in.  (The cells are the boxes that you enter words or numbers in.)  You can do this by left clicking with the mouse on the cell.  You can also move the cruiser by repeatedly pressing the tab key, until you are in the cell you want.  These techniques apply to the online version, as well as the Excel and OpenOffice.org versions

With the Excel and OpenOffice.org versions you can also move the cruiser downward from one cell to another by repeatedly pressing the enter key.  You can move the cruiser upward by holding down the shift key, and repeatedly pressing the enter Key or the tab key.   In addition, you can also use the arrow keys to move from one cell to another, with the Excel and OpenOffice.org versions.  However, most people find that the mouse is the easiest way to move from one cell to another.



Step 2) Setting The Start Date And End Date Of Your Budget


Before you use the balance sheet Calculator, you must delete the date in the box on the upper left, which is highlighted in red.  After deleting the date, enter the first day of your budget, (start date).

After completing the above, go to the box on the upper right, also highlighted in red, and delete the date in this box.  After deleting the date, enter the last day of your budget, (the end date).

The dates must be entered in the same format as the dates you deleted, which is months/day/year, such as 9/12/2009, or 9/12/09.

Note: For most people, a one-month period is the ideal length for a conventional budget, because many bills are paid monthly.  However if you want to evaluate your overall financial situation, based on anticipated income and expenses, six months to a number of years might be appropriate. 



Step 3) Entering Your Income


To enter your income into the Budget-Rate Calculator, scroll down until you see four columns, with the numbers 1), 2), 3) and 4).  In column 1) enter a descriptive word or phrase, to describe each source of income; you receive, such as wages, dividends, pension, etc. 

After completing the above, go to column 2) and enter the dollar amount of the sources of income that you described in column 1).  Of course, the descriptions in column 1, should coincide with the dollar amounts in column 2).

Important note: enter only income that has been obtained or will be obtained, within the timeframe you set for your budget.  Do not enter income that was obtained before you started this budget, or will be attained after the budget has expired.



Step 4) Entering Your Expenses


To enter your expenses, go to column 3) and type a descriptive word or phrase for each expense, such as electric bill, telephone bill, rent, transportation, etc.

After completing the above, go to column 4) and enter the dollar amount of each expense.  Of course, the descriptions in column 3), should coincide with the dollar amounts in column 4).

Important note: enter only expenses that have been incurred, or will be incurred, within the timeframe you set for your budget.  Do not enter expenses that were incurred before you started this budget, or expenses that will be incurred after the budget has expired.



Step 5) Obtaining Calculated Results


After entering numbers, you will have calculated results as soon as you move the cruiser out of the box that you placed the numbers in.  This can be done by left clicking with the mouse on another box.  Alternatively, you can obtain calculated results, by pressing the tab key.  With the online version, you can also left click on the Calculate button located on the top and also on the bottom of the calculator.  For the Excel and OpenOffice.org versions you can also press the enter key to obtain calculated results.



Step 6) For the Excel and OpenOffice.org Versions, Saving the Data and Permanent Records From The Budget Rate Calculator


The Excel and OpenOffice.org versions of the Budget Rate Calculator can produce a limitless number of calculating documents.  This allows you to keep permanent records of all your budgets.  However, you must always remember to use a different filename for each calculating document that you want to save.  The most convenient filename is the date that you started the budget for, such as Jan 1 2009, 1-1-09, or 1-1-2009.  You cannot use the conventional format for a date as a filename, with Microsoft Windows, such as 1/1/09.

       To save your Excel or OpenOffice.org Budget Rate Calculator document, hold down the control key, and press the s key.  Alternatively, you can also use the same functions on the file menu.

       You can enter or delete words or numbers in the calculation document from Excel or OpenOffice, at any time, but if you do not save your changes you made, they will be lost as soon as you close the document.


My Name is David Alderoty, and I Designed and Built This Website and the Budget-Rate Calculator.


I can design user-friendly calculation devices, in the Excel, OpenOffice.org, and Online JavaScript formats, to precise Specifications, for arithmetic, accounting, algebra, trigonometry, correlations, calculus, etc.  In addition, I can create attractive and unusual online communication forms, and websites.  I write instructions for the devices I create, which can install on a website in the form of conventional text, and/or an audio format.

       I can provide the services mentioned above, based on permanent or temporary employment.  My resume is online at: www.David100.com/R, and a list of my websites is at www.David100.com.  

       If you need my services, or have any questions or comments, You can call me at (212) 581-3740.  You can e-mail me RunDavid@Verizon.net.  You can also send your message in a website communication form, by left clicking on the blue words:  WEB FORM.  My address is 345 W. 50th St., APT 10D New York, NY 10019, USA.

       If you are a great distance from my locality, or are in a foreign country, this is not important.  I can provide the services mentioned above worldwide, because the calculation devices, web forms and websites I make can be delivered through the Internet to any locality.


To return to the top of this website left click on these words.



To go to the main website on budgets and financial challenges left click here.